
Planning Communication for Agricultural Disaster Risk Management (Anglais)

Planning Communication for Agricultural Disaster Risk Management provides a guide for designing and implementing communication activities in support of ADRM. It focuses primarily on experiences gained in the English Caribbean region that have been also validated elsewhere. This field guide provides a complete overview of the ComDev planning in the context of the ADRM process, as well as concrete recommendations for its implementation. It can be used to orient ADRM

Extension de la communauté d'apprentissage. Radio rurale, apprentissage social et productivité agricole au Ghana

« Cet article examine le rôle potentiel du partage des connaissances autochtones par le biais de stations radio FM rurales dans l’agriculture ghanéenne. Pour identifier les effets de l’apprentissage social, nous examinons les tendances de la productivité des cultures et leur association à la participation à des programmes radiophoniques, et comparons la force de ces associations avant et après l’apparition de la radio rurale. Notre analyse met en évidence des plus

Collaborative Change: A communication framework for climate change adaptation and food security (Anglais)

Nowadays, compelling issues such as climate change and food security require primarily multidisciplinary approaches and multistakeholder action in the process of social learning for adaptive livelihoods. This implies an increasing demand for information, knowledge and participation that puts the need for planned communication activities at the centre of development initiatives. Within this framework, it is essential to support rural knowledge institutions and national programmes for climate change and food security