
Reminder: IAMCR, FAO- Rural Communication Services Research Award

IAMCR and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) offer four awards of 2,500 USD to authors of papers that advance our understanding of Rural Communication Services (RCS) applications. Within the context of the IAMCR 2023 conference, with the theme of “Inhabiting the planet: Challenges for media, communication and beyond”, IAMCR’s Rural Communication Working Group (RUC) has issued a call for papers that critically explore the conference

PAFO declaration to the AFDB Dakar 2 Summit on  “Feed Africa: Food Sovereignty and Resilience”

PAFO attended the Dakar 2 Summit – “Feeding Africa: Food Sovereignty and Resilience” (#AfricaFoodSummitDakar2).  The three-day Summit was hosted by His Excellency Mr Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal and the Chairperson of the African Union, and co-hosted by the African Development Bank Group. Held on 25-27 January 2023 in Dakar, Senegal, the Summit brought together Governments, Private Sector, Multilateral Organizations, NGOs, and scientists to meet the escalating

E-Learning Course: MOOC on Agroecology, an Introduction

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on “Agroecology, an Introduction” is an online course that aims at helping you discover what agroecology is through the complexity of the various approaches that have emerged over the years and in various regions of the world, and through the ways they can be implemented in the fields, and studied, as agricultural practices. The syllabus has been designed at the interface of agronomy, ecology

On-Air for Gender-Inclusive Nature-based Solutions

Addressing climate change and biodiversity loss in rural Africa through high-impact radio programs. Climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the most defining environmental crises that challenge the world today. Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation have evolved as an innovative yet essential tool to address this challenge. They merge Indigenous viewpoints and ecosystem-based solutions to tackle climate adaptation efforts. If appropriately implemented, these solutions can expedite progression towards a

Elearning Course: MOOC on Nutrition and Sustainable Food Systems

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Nutrition and Food Systems: Pathways to sustainable and healthy diets” is designed to apply a systems-thinking approach to food security and nutrition issues, thus contributing to a transformation of food systems towards more sustainable, equitable and healthy diets. It was designed and developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Agreenium (Institut Agro Montpellier et Cirad) and funded by the German Federal Ministry of

IAMCR, FAO offer Rural Communication Services Research Awards

In cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IAMCR is offering four awards of 2,500 USD to authors of papers that advance our understanding of applications of “rural communication services” particularly in the areas of agriculture, family farming, natural resource management, climate change adaptation, food security, and disaster risk reduction and management. Special attention will be given to papers that consider elements such as the participatory design

International Year of Millets 2023: Unleashing the potential of millets for the well-being of people and the environment

As the global agrifood systems face challenges to feed an ever-growing global population, resilient cereals like millets provide an affordable and nutritious option, and efforts must be scaled to promote their cultivation. The United Nations General Assembly declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023). FAO is the lead agency for celebrating the Year in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders. Millets can grow on arid lands with minimal inputs and

Social Capital proves critical to success of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) farming in Tanzania

Social capital is defined as the enduring connections of networks, reciprocity and social norms that exist among a group of people. In farming, social capital has various benefits such as facilitating farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing, increasing access to information, and connecting farmers to different sources of support. In Tanzania, social capital was a key contributor to the success of the implementation of System of Rice Intensification (SRI), as part of the


This good practice fact sheet aims to share the experience behind an initiative to test and compare different models of extension provision in Uganda. The document highlights the scope for using a mix of private and public service providers to advise and support small-scale producers engaged in Uganda’s vegetable oil sector, and the lessons learned regarding what methods are most effective. It also sets out to explore how this blended

Digital Agriculture: An online mentoring service for small-scale livestock farmers in Benin

An online advisory and problem-solving service is helping livestock farmers to overcome challenges and increase production in Benin and other parts of West Africa. The private service grew out of a blog written by Louis Agbokou, who works as livestock advisor at a government agricultural agency in Benin. During on- site visits to farms in the districts that he covered, the livestock engineer became increasingly convinced of the need for