Radio stations in Burkina Faso embrace social media to interact with their audience

Radio stations in Burkina Faso embrace social media to interact with their audience

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In October 2023, representatives from five radio stations convened in Kaya, Burkina Faso’s Centre-Nord Region, for a unique training session. Unlike typical Farm Radio International workshops focused on program production, this session was dedicated to mastering social media tools for audience engagement.

Radio stations use a variety of tools to interact with their audience, from call-in or text-in programs to Farm Radio’s digital polling tool Uliza Poll. Social media platforms are increasingly prevalent in communities across Africa and offer a cost-effective way for radios to reach their audience, particularly youth.

Léonard Kinda, director of Radio Voix des Lacs in Kongoussi, emphasized the importance of social media. He says, “It was past time for community radio stations to follow the evolution of the world by joining our listeners on social media to increase interaction.”

Social media enables radio stations to broaden their reach beyond existing listeners. It also facilitates communication with a diverse audience, including women and youth.

Farm Radio offered some training to radios as part of the Victory Against Malnutrition Plus (ViMPlus) project, led by ACDI/VOCA and funded by USAID. The training focused on setting up websites, Facebook pages, TikTok accounts, and WhatsApp groups. Radio station staff were trained on how to manage these accounts, particularly for engaging with listeners and promoting their programs.

Farm Radio’s annual survey of our radio partners showed that radio stations are already leveraging social media to complement their programming. Facebook is the most popular platform (used by 77.7% of respondents), followed by WhatsApp or Telegram (73.4%). Stations use these platforms to promote programs, share episodes, understand their audience better, and solicit feedback.

Bamogo Josué, head of programs at Radio Neerwaya, highlighted the benefits.  He says, “These social media platforms allow a radio station like ours to be known outside its coverage area at no cost, and they will surely attract other projects for us.”

This story is adapted from an article written by Farm Radio International called “Social media builds connections with listeners for Burkinabe radio stations” To read the full story, go to: 

ViMPlus, or the Victory Against Malnutrition Plus Activity, is part of USAID’s RISE II program (Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced II) program, which helps vulnerable communities in Burkina Faso and Niger to prepare for and manage risks, and to find sustainable ways out of poverty. ViMPlus is managed and implemented by ACDI/VOCA.