What is YenKasa Africa?
YenKasa Africa is a regional initiative promoted by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), Eastern Africa Farmers’ Federation (EAFF), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Farm Radio International (FRI), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), The Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO), La Via Campesina (LVC), Plateforme Régionale des Organizations Paysannes d’afrique Centrale (PROPAC), and Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA) to enhance knowledge and experience sharing in communication in support to agriculture and rural development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It encourages communication, development and community media practitioners based in Africa to share initiatives and resources on rural communication, enhance local capacities, establish fruitful collaborations at the regional level and advocate for communication in the rural sector.
What does YenKasa mean?
YenKasa is an Akan expression from Ghana. When literally translated, “Yen” stands for Our, and “Kasa” means Talk – Our Talk. However, when the two terms are placed together, the expression implies “Let’s Talk/ Let’s Dialogue”. The phrase emphasizes the need to discuss together in a social dialogue process to identify and solve communities’ main challenges.
What are we aiming to do?
YenKasa Africa intends to promote the creation of a dynamic and interactive platform of communication, bringing together local community radios, media professionals, communication and development practitioners, academicians, as well as civil society organizations in order to strengthen local capacities and collaboration. The main goal of YenKasa Africa is to further in regional communities the role of communication for agriculture and rural development, with special attention given to issues related to family farming, sustainable natural resources management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction, food security, gender mainstreaming, agricultural innovation and remote access to the information via ICTs.
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