
Agroecology Dialogue Series

The Agroecology Dialogue Series is an initiative of FAO and the Biovision Foundation in support of the Coalition for food systems transformation through Agroecology (Agroecology Coalition). It is organized as part of the Food Policy Forum for Change. The series consists of three thematic dialogues that aim to identify entry points, opportunities, building blocks, innovative approaches and institutional frameworks that can support the upscale of agroecology. Between 60 and 90 participants contributed to each dialogue from various backgrounds

Young African agripreneurs: Success story and scaling up lessons and innovations

Agriculture is a primal sector to generate income to the growing population and a major contributor to the GDP in Africa. Africa is known as young continent due to the fact that it has the largest number of young population in the world. This young people are energetic, have a fresh mind and innovative spirit. They are ambitious and willing to take initiative to get integrated in development process. Young

A new lease on life for Internally Displaced Persons in Mozambique

After being forced to flee his home in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, Ali Ndalila was able to restart his livelihood with the help of FAO and its partners. When Ali Ndalila had to flee his home in Mozambique’s northernmost province of Cabo Delgado, he was heartbroken for many reasons. Not the least of them was abandoning the particularly bountiful harvest that followed a lucky wet season. The region is blessed

Resilience Food Stories: An agri-chef  in Kenya who grows his own food

“At 45 Degrees Kitchen, we believe food is the centre of everything we do as humans, whether at home with family and friends or at a fancy restaurant. 45 Degrees Kitchen is committed to food with integrity. We understand the connection between how food is grown or raised, how it’s prepared and how it tastes. Genuine raw ingredients come from our own garden and are sourced from organic farms in

More than 100 women in family farming identify training needs to strengthen their leadership role in family farming

The World Rural Forum, in collaboration with FAO, gathers the capacity-building needs and priorities identified by rural women from 5 continents within the framework of the United Nations Decade for Family Farming. The World Rural Forum (WRF) carried out a participatory process with more than 100 women representatives of family farming organizations, women’s organizations, and National Committees for Family Farming (NCFF) from five continents to identify their needs and priorities for the development of empowerment and capacity-building

Mapping digital agriculture strategies in Africa

A national e-agriculture (or digital agriculture) strategy promotes the emergence of a common understanding of issues related to adopting digital technology for agrifood systems performance. It favours the deployment in the synergy of transformational actions. The design of these policy documents has accelerated in recent years in Africa. The first attempts started in the mid-2000s with the insertion of a chapter relating to agriculture in digital development strategies. Since the

World Radio Day 2023

Today we celebrate World Radio Day with the theme “Radio and Peace“. To celebrate this year’s World Radio Day, FAO in Somalia is carrying out a project called “Promoting Inclusive Action in Peacebuilding Initiative” (PIAP), which aims to directly respond to the ambitious peacebuilding and sustainable development agenda of the Federal Government of Somalia as outlined in the National Development Plan (NDP) 9 and other strategic and framework policies. This

The systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock (CSL)

The systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock (CSL) is a promising strategy for the sustainable intensification of agrosystems. In the face of declining land fertility, irregular rainfall and low input use, several technologies within this approach have been identified to improve producers’ income in the Sahel. Thus, the SustainSahelproject is co-conducting with farmers a network of agronomic trials associating trees and shrubs to evaluate and document their impacts on

Event Result: The dissemination of innovative technologies in Mali

After Senegal and Burkina Faso, the second event for disseminating innovative technologies was held in Mali from 17 to 21 October 2022. Several activities were on the programme: visits to test fields, training for drone pilots, and a farmers’ day, among others. In Mali, the plant Gliricidia Sepium is highly prized by farmers and is very effective in fertilising the soil and an excellent feed for livestock. However, not all

Introducing the updated feed ration calculator to innovation platforms - Field mission of University of Kassel

Work package 6: Co-creation of a feed ration calculation tool for ruminants. Presentation of the tool to representatives of national producer federations and innovations platforms in all three of the project’s focus countries. Following a first study with experts in Senegal on the applicability of a pilot ration calculator developed by the section Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Kassel (‘Optimizing a feeding tool with nutritional details