Rural women: Strengthening leadership and influence

Rural women: Strengthening leadership and influence

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The leadership program dedicated to francophone rural women, launched last year, recently held its second edition. From May 27 to 31, 2024, in Munich, Germany, an intensive workshop brought together rural women from the 5 regions members of PAFO and their German counterparts from the German Rural Women’s Association (Dlv).

Designed as an interactive training session, the workshop aimed to strengthen women’s decision-making skills within farmers’ organizations. Participants had the opportunity to develop their knowledge and prepare themselves for more active participation in high-level political discussions, ultimately exercising significant influence on international decision-making.

In addition to theoretical sessions, participants had the chance to apply their knowledge through field visits. They met with representatives from the Bavarian Farmers’ Association (BBV), as well as local farmers such as the Heiss family, specializing in potato farming, and the Grandl family. These practical experiences allowed the rural women to contextualize their learning, share ideas, and draw inspiration from the best practices observed.

This workshop is part of a capacity-building initiative for francophone rural women. By providing them with tools and opportunities for development, the program prepares them to play a leading role in decision-making and political spheres, both locally and internationally. A crucial step in amplifying their voice and influence in defending the interests of rural communities.

“This project is implemented by PAFO, in partnership with AHA, and the technical support of the German Association of Rural Women (Deutscher LandFrauenverband. dlv), an AHA network partner, which proposes the participation of German women leaders for the purpose of exchange and mutual learning. Furthermore, the project benefits from financial support from the BMZ.

Article from PAFO’s website