In January 2023, IOM and FAO completed the pilot phase of Sheeko Wadaag. ‘Sheeko Wadaag’ means ‘storytelling’ in Somali. It is a community radio listening program that focuses on relevant events, stories, challenges and issues shared directly through the voices of community members.
The scope of this community radio project is setting up and operationalizing an integrated community feedback systems that engage beneficiary communities (IDPs and host communities) beyond project-based complaints. It is also a platform to share key awareness messages with the community (e.g., signs of malnutrition, measles, recycling, etc.). In addition, in the IDP sites, the listening sessions also provided a recreational environment for IDPs to socialize, comment and share stories.
During the pilot phase, eight episodes (one episode per week) were broadcasted and narrowcasted at 14 designated listening points in Baidoa city. IOM managed the listening points and organized weekly listening sessions with the IDP community. A total of 15,298 IDPs participated in the listening sessions (2,737 men, 7,093 women, 2,281 boys and 3,187 girls). The large number of women and girls participating can be explained by the fact that women and children make up the majority of IDPs, but also by the fact that during the day most men were away from the site working or farming.
Initial monitoring results and feedback have shown a positive response and interest from the community, thus both agencies are considering continuing this project, in collaboration with the Somalia Community, Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Taskforce.