Global consultation on COVID-19 impact on family farmers

Global consultation on COVID-19 impact on family farmers

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developed this survey to help monitor and assess the situation of family farmers and small-scale producers at global level.

The survey will be open from 13 October 2020 until 30 November 2020 and will take place again in a few more months. We plan to continue monitoring the situation of family farmers on a constant basis for many years to come, so you are encouraged to participate once each time the survey is released again.

The questionnaire should take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete.

Please be assured that all information you provide will be kept confidential.

We are specially targeting family farmers and small-scale producers. Kindly help us share the survey within your networks so we may reach family farmers and small-scale producers in all regions of the world.

Click here to access the survey.

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