Rural Communication Services

Digital Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

The FAO Regional Office for Africa is actively promoting the adoption of digital agriculture across sub-Saharan countries. This effort is supported by a guiding framework developed in partnership with Wageningen University and Research (WUR). The study conducted aimed to analyze project interventions focusing on digital agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa, assess the impact of digital solutions on crop production, risk reduction, and value chain profitability, and provide recommendations for better adoption

Radio programme: Agroforestry - Trees for sustainable agriculture

As part of the YenKasa Africa radio initiative, we are thrilled to share this week’s feature, which delves into the vital topic of “Agroforestry – Trees for sustainable agriculture.” Read our feature to discover valuable insights and expert advice, and then listen to the recorded programme on the YenKasa Africa website in Madagascar’s local language, Malagasy. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and empower your agricultural practices. Happy

Radio Programme: Good practices in beekeeping for a sustainable honey value chain in Tanzania

As part of the YenKasa Africa radio initiative, we are thrilled to share this week’s feature, which delves into the vital topic of “Good practices in beekeeping for a sustainable honey value chain in Tanzania.” Read our feature to discover valuable insights and expert advice, and then listen to the recorded programme on the YenKasa Africa website in the Tanzanian local language, Swahili. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your

Radio Programme: Boosting soil fertility in Ghana through microbial fertilizers

As part of the YenKasa Africa radio initiative, we are thrilled to share this week’s feature, which delves into the vital topic “Boosting soil fertility in Ghana through microbial fertilizers”. Read our feature to discover valuable insights and expert advice, and then listen to the recorded program on the YenKasa Africa website in the Ghana local language, Gurune. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and empower your agricultural

How Abalo Gérémie Kadanga gives a voice to rural Togo through radio

Abalo Gérémie Kadanga embarked on a career in radio fueled by a passion to amplify the voices of underrepresented communities in Togo. Initially drawn to journalism during high school, where he served as an information officer, he became acutely aware that local radio stations were not adequately representing the concerns of groups like farmers, youth, and women. This realization inspired him to pursue a career in journalism to give a

Peace FM Nigeria : Winner of the 2024 Liz Hughes Award for Her Farm Radio

In the radio landscape of Jos, Nigeria, Peace FM, guided by Manager Kachollom Rita Pam, serves as a vital link for communities within its 400-kilometer reach. At the heart of its programming is Wake Daya, a transformative one-hour show airing every Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The dedicated team, including Zainab Babaji, Nansat Guning, Ketura Adeneji, Hudung Gyang, and Lawrence Kyarshik, delves into the impactful role of women in

Transforming rural Africa: Trends and experiences in rural communication services

The UN Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028) acknowledges the importance of inclusive rural communication services (RCS) to advance economic, environmental and social dimensions of family farming. Focusing on Africa, this study examines the role of RCS in rural transformation and family farming and provides insights for the region. Through case studies and a review of media and ICT trends and policies, it highlights the need for participatory, farmer-centred communication approaches

Rural communication services for family farming in Africa: Regional consultation and forum

The Global Action Plan of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019–2028 (UNDFF) recognizes the need to promote Rural Communication Services (RCS) to advance sustainable food systems. RCS comprise demand-led communication processes, media applications and institutional arrangements to respond to the needs of family farmers and rural populations in a sustained and inclusive manner. This report summarizes the results and takeaways of online consultations and a virtual Regional Forum

Participatory video in agrifood systems and digital environments: A practitioner’s guide

Access to knowledge and information is essential to achieve sustainable agrifood systems, and such access has greatly advanced due to the widespread use of digital technologies. Nevertheless, digital exclusion and the lack of appropriate content are limiting factors, especially in rural areas, depriving smallholders of access to services and hampering their development opportunities. To mitigate this divide, farmer’s organizations and rural institutions increasingly utilize low-cost digital media to ensure equal

FAO hosts technical seminar on RCS and inclusive innovation approaches for family farming

In a bid to propel the role of communication for family farming into the spotlight, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is set to host the technical seminar Rural Communication Services (RCS) and Inclusive Innovation Approaches for Family Farming on 29 April 2024 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This seminar comes as part of the ongoing implementation of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-28 (UNDFF), a global