Rural Communication Services

Impact of Farm Radio’s vaccine confidence campaign

In 2022, Farm Radio radio partners broadcast more than 10,750 minutes of programming on COVID-19 —and that just includes programs broadcast with Farm Radio’s support. Many partners in Farm Radio’s network have been regularly broadcasting about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines over the past few years. From June to October, 2022, 215 radio stations in 16 countries agreed to join a campaign promoting COVID-19 vaccines, supported by Farm Radio and with

IAMCR, FAO offer Rural Communication Services Research Awards

In cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IAMCR is offering four awards of 2,500 USD to authors of papers that advance our understanding of applications of “rural communication services” particularly in the areas of agriculture, family farming, natural resource management, climate change adaptation, food security, and disaster risk reduction and management. Special attention will be given to papers that consider elements such as the participatory design

Book your agenda  - Friday 16 December 2022, 19:00 to 21:00 Manila time - 12:00 to 14:00 Rome time - International Webinar on Advancing Rural Communication Services for Family Farming

The Collaborative Change Communication for Rural Development (CCComDev) initiative invites you to the International Webinar on Advancing Rural Communication Services (RCS) for Family Farming. Language: English You can register now: The webinar is co-convened by the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)  – College of Development Communication and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) – Rural Communication Working Group. The webinar features speakers and panel

In vivo experience of the benefits for farmers' organizations, IFAD, Governments & projects to come together

From 15 to 18 November, in Grand-Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire, was held the second edition of the Regional Farmers’ Forum in conjunction with the 12th Regional Implementation Workshop for IFAD-supported projects in West and Central Africa (WCA). Hosted in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire, this regional event welcomed about 200 participants from 23 countries of the region. The Regional Farmers’ Forum was  sponsored by Kobenan Adjoumani Kouassi, Minister of State, Minister of

Food Security in East Africa – Beyond the Headlines

In early 2022, 12 million East Africans faced acute food insecurity, meaning that they did not even manage to eat one meal a day. By November 2022, that number has increased to 21 million people. It’s important to go beyond the headlines and statistics and remember that these are individual women, men and children who are suffering from hunger every day. That’s what Farm Radio International strove to do in our

Farmer-to-farmer videos boost south-south knowledge exchange in Uganda and beyond

Digital tools are making access to information more and more possible, and participatory videos are a great way for farmers to share their experiences with other farmers in their own countries and beyond. In the RFS Uganda project sites, Farmer Field Schools partnered with Access Agriculture to get in on the exchanges. At the 2022 Resilient Food Systems (RFS) Annual Workshop, Eswatini project lead, Lynn Kota, said that, in her

Here’s how broadcasters participated in the Farm Radio International COVID-19 vaccine confidence campaign

Vaccines are critical in preventing severe illness from COVID-19 and keeping communities healthy. Yet many people still have questions or are hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccines. Between May and September 2022, approximately 250 Farm Radio broadcasting partners in 16 countries participated in the Farm Radio International COVID-19 vaccine confidence campaign. The campaign promoted COVID-19 vaccines, answered listeners’ questions, and provided good information on the effectiveness of the vaccines available in

Talking Books provide an innovative solution to reach rural communities in Uganda

Dramatic dialogue, music and poetry are not the usual ways that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) raises awareness of and sensitizes rural communities on women’s land rights, but an innovative project in Uganda is doing just that through so-called Talking Books. Talking books are audio devices that allow people with low or no literacy to receive training in a dynamic way. In partnership with Amplio, a US based

Here’s how Farm Radio International broadcasting partners are using Barza Wire Farmer stories

In July and early August, Farm Radio International asked our broadcasting partners to tell us how they use Barza Wire Farmer stories. Fifty-eight people responded and shared their stories of how Barza Wire, Farm Radio scripts, and training resources improve their programming. Respondents said they had read and used Farmer stories on a variety of topics, but mainly: climate change; crop production, handling, and processing; COVID-19, and gender. COVID-19 and gender were by far the most popular topics.

How Bamtaare FM created a website to reach more people with local information

Thierno Diop is president and director of Bamtaare Dodel FM (103.4). Located in the department of Podore in the Sene region of Senegal, the station’s frequency reaches a radius of 70 to 100km. According to listeners, this isn’t nearly enough. Mr. Diop recalls, “Many people called me … outside of Senegal, and within. [People] who wanted to listen to local information, who wanted to hear about the situation in our