Third session of the II cycle of technical exchanges for family farming

Third session of the II cycle of technical exchanges for family farming

Start a dialogue!

Time: 10 am (Santiago de Chile time) / 3 pm (GMT +1)

Date: June 4

Modality: Webinar – via Zoom

Register Here

Within the framework of the Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming and the United Nations Decade for Family Farming, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the II Edition of the Technical Exchange Cycles for Family Farming, which will work on the topic of Purchasing Public Family Farming.

The Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming is a global initiative facilitated by the FAO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, with the support of the Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division (PSU). Its objective is to generate spaces for dialogue and exchange experiences to promote technical and institutional innovations that strengthen the Family Farming sector.

This second edition of the Cycle seeks to generate a space where public purchasing experiences for family farming are shared and enriched. It is expected to learn from the exhibitors’ successes, challenges, and lessons learned and create synergies that drive efficiency and equity in these processes.

The cycle will consist of 3 virtual sessions focused on different public purchasing experiences, paying special attention to school feeding programs and the main tools for the operationalization of these initiatives, recognizing their multi-dimensionality and ability to provide results in different areas related to the dimensions of environmental, social and economic in the countries:

Session 1: Family Farming in the Different Public Procurement Mechanisms: A Global Look at Lessons Learned and Challenges – April 4, 2024.

Watch session 1 here

Session 2: Enabling Tools for Public Procurement Programs and Policies for Family Farming – May 2 2024.

Watch session 2 here

Session 3: Examples of School Feeding Policies and Programs – Date: June 4, 10 am (Santiago de Chile time) / 3 pm (GMT +1)

The third session will present different configurations of public procurement from family farming for school feeding, demonstrating various mechanisms that make it possible to connect family farmers with these programs, enhancing the supply of healthy and nutritious food. Similarly, the experience of the Sustainable School Feeding Network (RAES) will be presented, a strategy promoted by the Government of Brazil to jointly and broadly create solutions to the challenges of school feeding under the human right to adequate food.

In addition, different success stories, such as those of Brazil and Burkina Faso, will be presented in-depth, providing insight into the scope, challenges, and opportunities of implementing different programs.

Interested people will be able to participate through the Zoom platform upon registration, and simultaneous interpretation will be available in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Arabic. The recordings will be published through the page of the Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming. 

Register Here