Uloma Mezie-Osuocha

Global Family Farming Forum: Halfway through the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028

Family farmers produce 80 per cent of the world’s food in value terms, meaning that a good portion of the food you eat daily probably comes from a family farm. As well as contributing to food security and nutrition worldwide, family farmers also manage natural resources, innovate in the face of climate events, ensure the cohesion of rural communities and preserve cultural heritage. But family farming has greater potential still.

Radio programme: Protecting indigenous seeds for sustainable seed systems: A spotlight on GhaFFaP’s efforts

In collaboration with YenKasa Africa, Tele-Bere and Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm Producers (GhaFFaP) have produced a radio program on URA Radio in Gurune (Ghana local language) titled “Protecting Indigenous Seeds for Sustainable Seed Systems.” The program explores the critical issue of preserving traditional farmer seeds, which are increasingly at risk of disappearing due to modern agricultural practices and climate challenges. Hosted by local experts, the program highlights the

Radio Programme: The importance of Community Forest Management Areas as a forest management technique

In partnership with YenKasa Africa, the Zambia National Farmers Cooperative Association (ZNFCA) produced a radio program on Valley FM Radio in Zambia’s local language, Nyanja, titled “The Importance of Community Forest Management Areas (CFMAs) as a Forest Management Technique.” Hosted by Mr. Cephas Mumba, the program brought together experts from WWF, Nyimba District Forestry Conservation Association (DFCA), and ZNFCA to discuss how CFMAs contribute to sustainable forest management in Zambia. The

Gender and climate-resilient agriculture: A review of concepts and practical resources in support of gender-transformative change

To advance the use of gender-transformative approaches in climate-resilient agriculture (CRA), a review of practical resources that could support researchers and practitioners in applying gender and CRA was undertaken. The review consolidates and assesses diverse, practical resources—including research tools, methods and broader guidance—that aim to address gender inequalities/inequities, climate and agriculture, albeit to varying degrees. A conceptual framework was developed to guide the review. This framework helped establish the gender

Radio Programme: Fostering Women’s Leadership in Farmer Organizations: Insights and Strategies

Under the YenkAsa Africa radio initiative in Kenya, RFM-Radio 99.9 aired a pivotal program focusing on the critical role of women in leadership within farmer organizations. This program, produced by the Farm Forestry Smallholder Producers Association of Kenya (FFSPAK) in collaboration with YenKasa Africa, highlights women’s critical role in leadership positions and the importance of fostering their involvement in these roles. The program featured an in-depth discussion with Janephrice Talian, Chairperson

Guide on Digital Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: Empowering Smallholder Farmers through Smartphone Applications

Digital agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) offer tremendous opportunities to revolutionize how smallholder farmers access critical information and services. These digital tools can enhance accessibility, delivery, transparency, and the overall impact of agricultural guidance, leading to more efficient farming practices and improved livelihoods. However, the potential of digital AEAS is often underutilized, especially among smallholder farmers in rural areas, due to a widening digital divide and low levels of

Radio Programme: Best Production Practice for Garlic Farmers: How do smallholder Farmers use them?

In Tanzania, Habari Njema Radio 87.5 FM aired a program in Swahili titled “Best Production Practice for Garlic Farmers: How do Smallholder Farmers use them?” This insightful episode was a collaboration between the Tanzanian Producer organization, MVIWAMA and YenKasa Africa Radio Initiative. The program, which reached farmers across the Manyara region in Tanzania, focused on improving garlic farming practices among smallholder farmers. The discussion brought together the experiences of local

Radio Programme: Family farming, a source of employment for young people

In Madagascar, one sector stands as a beacon of hope for employment and stability—family farming. In collaboration with Radio Don Bosco and Radio Nationaly Malagasy, Réseau SOA (Syndicat des Organisations Agricoles) and Plateforme Nationale Femme, Développement Durable et Sécurité Alimentaire (PNFDDSA) have produced an insightful radio program, in Malagasy (a Madagascar local language), highlighting the crucial role of family farming in Madagascar. With over 400,000 young people entering the workforce

Young women and men in Somalia are embracing technology to promote peace

A short yet perilous seven-kilometre road connects the towns of Buufow and Shalanbood in southern Somalia. The once-prosperous agricultural area that produced fruits and vegetables for the region has experienced decades of conflict and destabilization. Just like most parts of the country, the region is severely affected by the ongoing drought. The two communities have had to cope with the increasing scarcity of natural resources from which to derive their

Creating opportunities for youth and women with digital agriculture

Agriculture, including fisheries and forestry, is facing many challenges that stem from a range of factors, including erratic weather patterns, changing demographics, turbulence in the global economy and conflicts. These factors exert unprecedented pressure on the world’s agrifood systems. Small-scale producers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly those in Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), are among the most vulnerable groups. Without sustainable agricultural production, many countries are unable to