Resilience and climate change

No ordinary irrigation in the Gambia: innovative solar-powered technologies are securing access to water for rural communities

Across many parts of rural Gambia, women farmers often start their days before dawn to ensure that they have enough water to irrigate their gardens and to cook, clean and bathe at home. “Some of us would wake up as early as 3.00 a.m. to 4.00 a.m. just to get water. Hyenas attacked us on three different occasions,” said Salla Bah, a vegetable farmer in the Central River Region in

Integrated fish-rice systems attract broad interest at Agrishow 2022

Validation and dissemination of integrated fish-rice systems through the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) approach is one of 22 projects the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)-Rwanda showcased during the 15th National Agriculture Show (Agrishow). The Agrishow 2022 was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) from 06- 14th July, under the theme “ Building resilience in Agriculture through modern technologies”. Hundreds of guests who attended the Agrishow

Albinos, indigenous peoples, and people living with disabilities facing the effects of climate change

Albinos, indigenous peoples and people living with disabilities facing the effects of climate change Young albinos, indigenous peoples, people living with disabilities and some young students from the University of Goma UNIGOM celebrated on June 7 the day of environment in the city of Goma. This city located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has long been affected by eruptions from the Nyiragongo Volcano, one of

African countries commit to raise ambitions for Sustainable Development Goals

African countries have committed to raise their ambitions and accelerate their actions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including ending poverty and hunger, at the conclusion of the 32nd Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Africa. Sixty-two Ministers from 54 African countries participated in the conference – country representation was one of the largest ever thanks to the hybrid mode, with more than half the ministers attending in person

Agriculture and climate change: Broadcasters discuss adaptation measures

On the initiative of Farm Radio International, a discussion brought together broadcasting partners from Africa and climate experts from November 22 to December 2021. There were 250 people from ten sub-Saharan African countries who attended the discussion in French in a dedicated WhatsApp group. About 200 people participated on an online discussion platform, where the conversation took place in English, and 45 Mozambican radio broadcasters participated in a Portuguese-langage discussion

“A movement in formation” | Online Screening

We live in a historical age in which capitalism has exhausted all its possibilities. From now on, more than ever, capitalism will only offer us more crises of conflict, war, migration, global warming, hunger, pandemics and death. In this context, formation in the La Via Campesina with a perspective of human emancipation is strategic. It has the historical task of contributing to forging collective political subjects, capable of mobilising consciences,

Sharing & Learning : What we grow together counts (webinar)

What we grow together counts: Using a tree inventory in planted forest for business planning and development. The case of Tree Growers Association of Nyandarua (TGAN), Kenya Wednesday, 20 May 2020 (13hrs -14:30 hrs. CEST/GMT+2) Background The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF), together with FAO partners, supports Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) in the development of their businesses. In so doing, it enables smallholders to engage in the business

WACC, FAO partner to help farmers & communities address climate change

WACC Global is proud to announce its new initiative with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to help build the capacity of communities at the grassroots level – particularly family farmers’ associations –  in using local and traditional knowledge for sustainable resource management and climate change mitigation. WACC and FAO will jointly support three (3) year-long projects starting in the first quarter of 2020: one in Kenya in partnership with

Towards addressing the plight of rural communities in accessing water abstraction permits for productive uses

Rural communities are faced with numerous challenges related to access to water for potable and productive uses. Rural residents, especially young women and girls, spend quite a significant amount of their productive time looking for water. In some cases, rural communities collect potable water from unprotected and unsafe sources. The situation has been exacerbated by the high frequencies and magnitudes of agricultural droughts in Zimbabwe which are on the increase.

Solar Power and Agriculture: Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS)

A good irrigation system promotes better agricultural practice, which further adds to eliminating zero hunger. Solar power is a growing means of generating energy and power supply. Thus, in agriculture, solar power has become increasingly necessary for irrigation as a reliable, clean-energy solution for agricultural water management, especially in areas with high incident solar radiation. The core reason for using solar power/ the sun for irrigation is because, crops need