Producers’ Organizations

Uniting and Empowering: The ‘Women, Economy, and Resilience’ Forum fuels a female-led agricultural revolution in West Africa

Agriculture in West Africa plays a vital role in the regional economy, with over 60% of the population directly relying on this sector for their livelihoods. However, despite its importance, agriculture is marked by glaring inequalities. Women, who make up nearly 80% of the labor force in food production, often remain marginalized, and their contribution is largely overlooked. West Africa is a region rich in arable land, stretching from the

The Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP) Knowledge Management event by PAFO: Sharing the knowledge that makes us stronger

The Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP) knowledge management event organized and hosted by the Pan African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO), a key partner of the FO4ACP Program, held in Kigali, Rwanda from May 16th to 28th, 2023. The event took place about one year after the mid-term review of the program to take stock of what was done and share the experiences and good and promising practices among

1st La Vía Campesina Women School

From March 8 to 14, the 1st La Vía Campesina Women School was held in Maputo, Mozambique. This school had enormous political importance, with about 60 women from 39 countries and all 10 regions. The school provided a space for collective political debate on how to organise peasant women in the territories, how to celebrate our victories, how to increase their participation and leadership within our global movement, and how

Review of Actions Undertaken for Peaceful Transhumance in West Africa

The Regional Project for Dialogue for Peaceful Transhumance in West Africa (PRODIATA) held its 10th Steering Committee in Ouagadougou on June 22 and 23, 2023. With a duration of 59 months and a budget of € 4,111,111, including a European Union grant of € 3,700,000, PRODIATA began on August 1, 2018. Its goal is to facilitate peaceful cross-border transhumance and improve nutrition in West Africa. The project has yielded significant

Event: Global Knowledge Management

Register for the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific- fo4acp Knowledge management event, hosted by Pan African Farmers Organisation . Join online, as farmers organizations exchange on good and promising practices among the #FO4ACP implementing partners. Sharing knowledge that makes farmers & their organizations stronger. When: May 16-18 Where: Kigali, Rwanda & online Register:

Upcoming World Farmers’ Organisation’s General Assembly

The World Farmers’ Organisation’s General Assembly  will take place  May 21-23, near Rustenburg, South Africa. The event is organised in collaboration with the WFO Members Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI), African Farmers Association of South Africa (AFASA) and the Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA). This year’s theme is: “Investing in farmers’ solutions for resilient food systems with a positive impact on Nature.” Register for press accreditation for the World Farmers’

TUFAIDIKE DRC: Financial inclusion at the heart of improving the standard of living of small farmers in the coffee sector

To break the cycle of poverty among small farmers, it is enough to strengthen their financial autonomy in order to increase their production capacity. This is the credo of an agricultural cooperative, TUFAIDIKE RDC, which seeks to transform the living conditions of small farmers involved in the coffee, soybean and potato sectors.  TUFAIDIKE RDC is an agricultural cooperative located in the provinces of South Kivu and North Kivu in the

Tanzania FFPOs’ skills enhanced in design and implementation of ComDev strategies

“This training has shed light on the communication challenges we face within the organization, especially the gap in the area of Communication for Development,” says Laban Mgimba, the Vice Chairperson for the TTGAU board. “We have also gained the knowledge and skills to deal with that gap. Henceforth, the priority will be to put into practice these learnings, from now am sure our communication intervention will have a big impact

Supporting young farmers through a farmer’s organization

Madagascar’s young farmers included in reforestation processes and have improved their livelihoods Young farmers in Analamanga region, central Madagascar are now getting involved in reforestation and agroecological practice more than ever before. This is thanks to the organized technical and field trainings on resilient agriculture, water management and soil fertility management organized with the Syndicate des Organisations Agricoles (SOA)-Mitsinjo. SOA-Mitsinjo is supported by the national syndicate of producer’s organizations in

A Kenyan producers’ organization helps a farmer’s avocado business grow

How a producers’ organization helped farmers successfully export avocado to Europe “Before the Forest and Farm Facility Programme (FFF) reached out to us, I faced many challenges in marketing the avocado produce from my farm,” says Paul Mitei, a farmer from Kiptoben Village, Nakuru County, Kenya. Paul says he wanted to know more about how the avocado and tomato value chains worked, and the proper inputs that are critical to