
Farm Radio's COVID-19 response

As with everyone on the planet, COVID-19 has our full attention. Staying home, flattening the curve, saving lives, navigating the devastating economic consequences … We are all in this together. If you are like me, your radio has been on this morning, bringing you the latest information, sharing reliable advice and relevant stories, keeping us connected at a time of social distancing. Hopefully, your radio station has not been spreading

Two-way mass and individual health communications and rapid socio-epidemiological insights to support Kenya's COVID-19 response

Containing and stopping the new coronavirus pandemic requires equitable access to trusted, reliable information. Nonetheless, rapidly informing and empowering communities to stay healthy and safe as we combat the outbreak is only one part of the story. Any effective public health response will require an elaborate understanding of people’s perceptions around risk and preparedness to understand their concerns and refine outbreak responses to address their fears. In many parts of

Scanning the airwaves closes health service gaps for people living with HIV

Many low-income Ugandans living in rural and hard-to-reach areas lack access to basic health information and services. This means most people may be unaware of their health-related rights and may feel their needs aren’t met because their voices aren’t heard. In many cases, medical and educational outreach is affected by poor literacy rates or lack of distribution channels for behavioural change campaigns. Gaps like these have caused certain illnesses, like

Pambazuko: a radio series to discuss health & human rights

A radio series entitled “Pambazuko” has taken the airwaves in the eastern region of Democratic Republic of Congo. Produced by Population Media Center (PMC), with support from the network of the Hirondelle Foundation, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Global Affairs Canada, UNICEF, DKT International, UNAIDS, the US Embassy, the Segal Family Foundation and the Jane Goodall Institute, this series aims to change behaviors towards human rights and health issues. The approach is educational, but also entertaining as everyday life events are