
Ten success factors for rural digital transformation in Africa

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s Digital Villages Initiative (DVI) aims to turn 1,000 villages globally into hubs where digitally-enabled farm and non-farm services are provided, such as e-commerce, farmer advisory services leveraging satellite information and digital financial inclusion activities. In Africa, nine countries are involved so far. Scoping assessment studies and early service delivery have identified 10 success factors for rural digital transformation in Africa. Implementers of the DVI


SUPPORTING YOUTH AND THE GENERATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY OF FAMILY FARMING Organized within the framework of the UN Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028) and hosted by the World Food Forum, the Young Farmers’ Roundtable promotes youth engagement and seeks to ensure the generational sustainability of family farming.  Ageing in family farming across the world is a serious issue. Action must be taken to preserve and pass on the precious knowledge of long-experienced

EVENT: PAFO 6th General Assembly and Events (October 23 - 28, 2023)

The Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO) will hold its 6th Ordinary General Assembly in Tunis, Tunisia, from October 23 to 28, 2023. It will be hosted by the Maghreb and North African Farmers’ Union (UMNAGRI), a member of PAFO. Several events will be organized on this occasion, including the Rural Women’s Forum, the Agroecology Workshop, the Workshop on “Mapping of Farmer Organizations (FOs) and African Local Agricultural Products,” the Mid-Term Evaluation

Inspiring encounter in Liberia: When the board members discover women’s ingenuity in market gardening

Traveling to the community of Kunakata, located in the Margibi region, the board members were able to meet a group of women engaged in a local, innovative, and resilient agro-economic practice: the Kwagaiye. A symbolic name carrying optimism and cohesion, which means “together we can make it”. This collective of women specializes in market gardening, specifically in the production of vegetables. Beyond the economic aspect, the Kwagaiye group represents a

Zambia series in English

Radio Station: Valley FM Radio Producer Organization: ZNFCA Production Language: English Production Year: 2023 Programme 1: ZNFCA Introduction The interview commenced with an introduction by the panelists and the moderato. The national coordinator then introduced ZNFCA, elucidating its initials as the Zambia National Forest Commodities Association, she mentioned that ZNFCA, formerly a department under Zambia National Farmers Union ZNFU, was registered as an association in 2017 In 2017 with the assistance of FAO Food

Tanzania series in English

Radio Station: Good News Radio 87.5 FM Producer Organization: MVIWAMA Production Language: English Production Year: 2023 Programme 1: Resilience to climate change and the smallholder farmer’s role The discussion centered around climate change and its implications for smallholder farmers in Mbulu District, Manyara. The speakers included garlic farmers and environmental experts from the Mbulu District Council. Listeners were encouraged to reach out through the studio phone lines. Impact of Climate Change on

Sierra Leone series in English

Radio station: Eastern Community Radio Production language: English Production Year: 2021 Programme Title: Family farming from the view of members of the parliament Eastern Community Radio in Sierra Leone first looked at the context of family farming from the view of members of parliament. Then production interviewed young people to hear their opinion on the topic of family farming. Current family farmers and civil society organizations contributed their experience on the ground

Liberia Series in English

2023 Liberia series in Local languages Gambia series in English Ghana series in English Kenya series in English Sierra Leone series in English Tanzania series in English Zambia series in English Factsheets and social media cards YenKasa Africa Radio Initiative

Kenya series in English

Radio Station: RFM-RADIO 99.9 Producer Organization: FFSPAK Production Language: English Production Year: 2023 Programme 1: Financial Inclusion in Farmer Organizations This discussion highlights the significance of financial inclusion within farmers’ organizations, specifically through the utilization of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs). Financial inclusion is depicted as a critical means for small-scale farmers to access essential financial services, encompassing savings, credit, loans, equity, and insurance. VSLAs are identified as informal financial mechanisms that empower

Ghana series in English

Radio Station: URA Radio Producer Organization: Tele-Bere and GhaFFaP Production Language: English Production Year: 2023 Programme 1: GhaFFaP Promotion of Business Incubation Services to Smallholder Forest and Farm Producers Forest business incubation is a support process that accelerates the successful development of sustainable businesses in forest landscapes. There is much to develop. The aggregate gross annual value from smallholder producers within forest landscapes may be as much as US$1.3 trillion. GhaFFaP