Communication and ICTs

Tips for engaging women in your radio program

Women play a central role in families, communities, and societies. But women and girls face struggles every day simply because of their gender. They may be limited in what resources they can access, where they can farm, if they can go to school, and what they can eat. In many places, women do not have control over the crops they grow or even their own bodies. It’s important to share

The systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock (CSL)

The systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock (CSL) is a promising strategy for the sustainable intensification of agrosystems. In the face of declining land fertility, irregular rainfall and low input use, several technologies within this approach have been identified to improve producers’ income in the Sahel. Thus, the SustainSahelproject is co-conducting with farmers a network of agronomic trials associating trees and shrubs to evaluate and document their impacts on

Event Result: The dissemination of innovative technologies in Mali

After Senegal and Burkina Faso, the second event for disseminating innovative technologies was held in Mali from 17 to 21 October 2022. Several activities were on the programme: visits to test fields, training for drone pilots, and a farmers’ day, among others. In Mali, the plant Gliricidia Sepium is highly prized by farmers and is very effective in fertilising the soil and an excellent feed for livestock. However, not all

Introducing the updated feed ration calculator to innovation platforms - Field mission of University of Kassel

Work package 6: Co-creation of a feed ration calculation tool for ruminants. Presentation of the tool to representatives of national producer federations and innovations platforms in all three of the project’s focus countries. Following a first study with experts in Senegal on the applicability of a pilot ration calculator developed by the section Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Kassel (‘Optimizing a feeding tool with nutritional details

Distance learning via radio for rural communities in Somalia: An FAO initiative

Overcoming COVID-19 restrictions through adaptive measures that facilitate access to agricultural and nutrition knowledge Over the years, Somalia experienced conflict and fragility that resulted in severe poverty and vulnerability, displacement, poor economic capacity, and food and nutrition insecurity. Most of the country’s population is in rural areas, and they rely on agriculture as the primary source of livelihood and exports. In 2020, up to 1.3 million people in Somalia faced

The resolutions of the evaluation of the year of the uninterrupted signal of Radio Amani FM: A program of local RFI partner associations and RFI CLUBS

Moderator: Jafari Bienvenue Luube Theme and questions that guided the evaluation:  “A year of existence without interruption, what weaknesses, challenges to strengthen, what strengths to capitalize on for a future full of success of Radio Amani FM » And therefore the assessment of the strengths and difficulties or weaknesses and strategies for the emergence of the Radio.    Among the strengths:  The mixed assembly composed of journalists from the Radio,

FARIDA, a mobile solution to increase the income of community radio stations

Community radios in Africa and in the Democratic Republic of Congo are most often faced with insufficient material, financial and technical resources to meet their editorial needs. However, with new information and communication technologies, it is nowadays possible to maximize your audience and attract more advertisers on the radio and also on online platforms. It is in this context that the Internews organization and the Online Media Association in the

Julieth Muunga, runner-up for the 2022 Liz Hughes Award for Her Farm Radio

At Radio Maria in Tanzania, Julieth Muunga is the sole presenter and producer of a 30-minute program called Jinsia na Maendeleo (Gender and Development), which was named the runner-up for the 2022 Liz Hughes Award for Her Farm Radio. Ms. Muunga started broadcasting in 2007 as a volunteer at two different radio stations while studying for a university certificate in Journalism at the University of Dar es Salaam. When she began her

Webinar: How ICTs Create Happiness

WSIS is having a panel on Tuesday April 12, 2022 at 12 p.m. CEST about how ICTs create happiness. Register for the event now to see Farm Radio International’s Kathryn Burnham, and other speakers: The event is available only in English.

Yenkasa Africa Celebrates World Radio Day 2022: Radio, the lifeblood of local development

The theme of the 2022 edition of World Radio Day is “Radio and Trust”.  This theme is so topical as the reality of our time has placed a renewed appreciation for the value and worth of relationships. The pandemic has forced us all to look at what is trustworthy and true. Fake news seriously destabilizes and adversely affects various communities. All over the world, people have returned to focusing on