Event: July 21 - Family Farming at the heart of Sustainable food systems in Africa

We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the “Family Farming at the hearth of Sustainable food systems in Africa” a UNDFF awareness campaign 2021.  As part of its contribution  to the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), Yenkasa Africa, a regional communication initiative promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Farm Radio International (FRI), AMARC and farmer organizations (among which La Via Campesina, PAFO, ROPPA, PROPAC) conducts a communication campaign addressed

Exchange meeting: "UNDFF Action Plans: a pathway for food systems transformation in Africa"

The World Rural Forum with the financial support of the European Union and in collaboration with FAO is organizing the exchange session, titled “UNDFF Action Plans: a pathway for food systems transformation in Africa”. The online event will be held on the 23rd of June 2021 at 11:00 GMT+2 (Madrid, Spain). This exchange session will explore the different opportunities and challenges in the development and implementation of UNDFF National and

UN Decade of Family Farming: Leveraging of successful results to scale-up implementation towards sustainable agri-food systems

The  FAO/IFAD Joint Secretariat of the UNDFF is organizing a 2-day event on UN Decade of Family Farming: leveraging on successful results to scale-up implementation towards sustainable food systems, on 27 & 28 May 2021 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm (GMT+2). The event will provide information on the overall progress made on the implementation of UNDFF and related SDGs. The event will be broadcasted with simultaneous interpretation in English,

March for family farmers in DRC

On Oct. 1, peasant organizations in the Democratic Republic of Congo marched in support of family farming. They submitted  a memorandum to the Presidency of the republic. Their requests represented the needs of 12 million family farmers who are represented by three organizations: Confédération Nationale des Producteurs Agricole du Congo (CONAPAC), Union Nationale des Agriculteurs du Congo (UNAGRICO), Confédération Paysannes du Congo Principale Regroupement Paysan (COPACO/PRP), and others. Their request

PAFO: A Pan-African voice for farmers

There are tens of millions of family farmers across Africa who produce food and feed families and communities. These family farmers cultivate their fields, raise livestock, fish and manage forests and forest products. They all have different skills, needs, interests and opinions. But, they also have common challenges including climate change, the need for training, investment and business networking and now the COVID-19 crisis. Farmers, pastoralists, forest managers and fishermen

La Via Campesina : Champion for peasant rights

La Via Campesina (LVC) is a champion for the rights of small-scale food producers, working for food sovereignty and social justice, and struggling in solidarity with peasant farmers, small- and medium-sized producers, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers to improve their rights. And they have had success. With the adoption of the UN Declarations of the Rights of Peasants in 2018, La Via Campesina found success. But

Celebrate the people who grow your food — family farmers — with our UNDFF radio campaign

The YenKasa Africa radio campaign celebrates the UN Decade of Family Farming and the voices of small-scale farmers across Africa. As World Food Day (Oct. 16) approaches, be part of our campaign, and be a voice for family farmers. Have you already participated by broadcasting our radio spots or other campaign materials? Or by interviewing farmers and farmer organization leaders? Continue to participate by integrating this campaign into a special

ROPPA: Proud to support women, men, and youth working in agriculture across West Africa

For West African farmers, the Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, or ROPPA, is their champion. ROPPA is dedicated to building a West African farmer movement representative of all components of the rural world, so pride of place is reserved for women, men, and young people whose life and work are based on family farming systems. To ensure the safety of smallholders and family

Eastern Africa Farmers Federation: Promoting agri-business for farmers in East Africa

For 20 million farmers in eastern and central Africa, the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation is their collective voice. Registered in Kenya, the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) is a members-based regional farmer’s organization founded in 2001. It was created to represent, lobby, and advocate for Eastern African farmers’ interests and to build their capacities. EAFF membership comprises 24 national farmers’ federations, co-operatives, and commodity associations in 10 countries: Kenya, Uganda,