Producers’ Organizations

Agricultural Transformation and Resilience: Assessment of the FO4ACP Project in Chad

Launched in October 2019, the FO4ACP project in Central Africa, initiated by PROPAC and its member NPOs, has shown significant progress during its second phase, which began in 2023. The first phase, lasting four years, had revealed financial shortfalls; however, the IFAD supervision mission in October 2023 highlighted crucial improvements. The 2024 PTBA launch workshop in Douala identified strategies for optimizing performance , such as implementing the TOP UP phase , improving technical reports and capitalizing on experiences . The PROPAC Regional Coordination undertook field visits to monitor, support and evaluate the progress of the OPNs in implementing

ANAP- Algeria:  An effort to professionalize beekeeping

The National Association of Professional Beekeepers (ANAP) has taken the initiative to professionalize the beekeeping sector in Algeria. It focuses on the genetic improvement of local bee populations and their adaptation to climate change. The aim is to increase bees’ resilience to growing environmental challenges, improve the quality of beekeeping products, and ensure that local bees can adapt to ongoing climate change. With the support of the FO4ACP Program, ANAP

International Conference on Agrobiodiversity 9 - 12 April 2024

Enriching nature and nutrition through agroecological knowledge, seed management, and climate-smart business and finance models  Realtime media coverage (available at the start of the conference) Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate are critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within agricultural and wild systems is what sustains us. But this agrobiodiversity is

Realtime Media Coverage: International Conference on Agrobiodiversity 2024

Conference Livestream You can watch the conference live streaming on the YenKasa Africa Facebook page. Day 1: International conference on agrobiodiversity live streaming Day 3, session 1: International conference on agrobiodiversity live streaming Day 3, session 2: International conference on agrobiodiversity live streaming Day 4: International conference on agrobiodiversity live streaming   Participants’ engagements and interviews Participant: Shamika Mone – INOFO Language: English The Inter-Continental Network of Organic Farmer Organisations (INOFO)

8th Farmers Forum – Key Demands: Enhance the autonomy of small-scale food producers

Ibrahim Coulibaly the president of PAFO brought today, on behalf of the organisations of family farmers and small producers in the Farmers Forum the message to the Governing Council of IFAD that meets on the 14 and 15 of Februry directly after the Farmers Forum. On the 12th and the 13th of February LVC, together with other global and regional organisations of farmers, peasants and other small food producers participated to

Farmer’s interests at the heart of the Agricultural Policy Dialogue

At the initiative of the Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA), and on the sidelines of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin (GFFA), an exchange session, placing farmers’ interests at the forefront of the agricultural policy dialogue, was organized with the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission (ARBE). The focal point of this dynamic collaboration was the exploration of strategies

The agricultural awakening of Africa: The Berlin meeting paves the way for a sustainable future

Africa, a land of agricultural opportunities, today faces unprecedented challenges. To address these challenges, a major initiative is currently underway in Berlin: the meeting of the 5 Regional Farmer Organizations (RFOs) members of the Panafrican Farmer Organisation (PAFO). This meeting has a key objective: to establish a process for the organizational development (OD) of these farmer organizations, a decisive step towards the consolidation and efficiency of their actions for the

Reinventing agropastoralism: Breeder-fattening livestock farming, a light in the climatic darkness of Liptako-Gourma

In a context of climate change and increasing economic challenges, the cross-border area of Liptako-Gourma, shared between Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, finds itself at a crossroads. Facing these challenges, the Breeder-Fattening Livestock Farming (French: Élevage Naisseur Couplé à l’Embouche – ENCEM) emerges as an innovative solution, offering households in this region a sustainable path to improve their climate resilience. The ENCEM initiative, driven by the Federation of Unions of

Sharing knowledge, cultures of resilience: The SANAD fair unites key actors from West Africa

The Regional Fair for Knowledge on SANAD Policies (food and nutritional security and sustainable agriculture) marks an important step in the valorization and sharing of knowledge in the field of food security and sustainable agriculture in West Africa. This event, scheduled from December 6 to 8, 2023, in Benin, is the result of a collaboration between several West African regional institutions and organizations involved in the framework for monitoring the

Ibrahima COULIBALY at the helm of PAFO: A bright spot for agroecology and family farming in Africa

The current period, marked by the United Nations Decade for Family Farming, witnesses the convergence of multifaceted efforts to promote sustainable and inclusive agriculture on the African continent. In this dynamic, the election of Mr. Ibrahima COULIBALY, the president of the Network of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa (ROPPA), to the presidency of the Pan African Farmers Organisation (PAFO) during the General Assembly held in Tunis from