Sustainable Development

Call for Proposals - FAO Exhibition on Sustainable Livestock Transformation: 25-29 September 2023

Better production, better nutrition, better environment, better life The exhibition aims to showcase success stories from different stakeholders, including FAO and its Members, where they have used innovative solutions and approaches to transform their livestock production systems to make them more sustainable. At the same time, key facts, data and messages will be provided to underline the importance of livestock, the challenges of the sector and possible solutions for building

World Environment Day 2023: Solutions to plastic pollution

On June 5th, the world unites to celebrate World Environment Day (WED), a global initiative established by the United Nations to raise awareness and take action on pressing environmental issues. This year, WED calls for an urgent effort to restore and protect our planet, reminding us that we all play a vital role in ensuring a sustainable future. The theme for World Environment Day 2023 focuses on solutions to plastic

FAO supports a civil society forum as part the participatory process of preparing a national land policy in Chad

On 16 and 17 May 2023, FAO and OXFAM-Chad organized a 2-day forum for 150 civil society participants to prepare their recommendations for the national land policy under preparation in Chad. The forum brought together civil society actors from the 23 provinces of the country, including peasants and pastoralist organizations, women and youth representatives, as well as paralegal associations. The workshop was part of the participatory process of preparing the land

Be the change and take action: 22 March 2023, World Water Day

The 2023 UN focus on World Water Day is accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. This year’s global campaign is called Be the change, and it encourages people to take action in their own lives to change how they use, consume and manage water. World Water Day is celebrated annually on March 22nd to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater. Water is essential for all life

Water is life: Spread the word

Water, they say, is life! Sanitation is also described as a way of life, and is defined as the means of preventing human contact with the hazard of human waste in order to promote health. Clean water helps create good sanitation and better hygiene. This, in turn, leads to good health. Poor sanitation, water, and hygiene have many serious repercussions. Children – and particularly girls – are denied their right

Agroecology Dialogue Series

The Agroecology Dialogue Series is an initiative of FAO and the Biovision Foundation in support of the Coalition for food systems transformation through Agroecology (Agroecology Coalition). It is organized as part of the Food Policy Forum for Change. The series consists of three thematic dialogues that aim to identify entry points, opportunities, building blocks, innovative approaches and institutional frameworks that can support the upscale of agroecology. Between 60 and 90 participants contributed to each dialogue from various backgrounds

PAFO declaration to the AFDB Dakar 2 Summit on  “Feed Africa: Food Sovereignty and Resilience”

PAFO attended the Dakar 2 Summit – “Feeding Africa: Food Sovereignty and Resilience” (#AfricaFoodSummitDakar2).  The three-day Summit was hosted by His Excellency Mr Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal and the Chairperson of the African Union, and co-hosted by the African Development Bank Group. Held on 25-27 January 2023 in Dakar, Senegal, the Summit brought together Governments, Private Sector, Multilateral Organizations, NGOs, and scientists to meet the escalating

Elearning Course: MOOC on Nutrition and Sustainable Food Systems

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Nutrition and Food Systems: Pathways to sustainable and healthy diets” is designed to apply a systems-thinking approach to food security and nutrition issues, thus contributing to a transformation of food systems towards more sustainable, equitable and healthy diets. It was designed and developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Agreenium (Institut Agro Montpellier et Cirad) and funded by the German Federal Ministry of

Social Capital proves critical to success of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) farming in Tanzania

Social capital is defined as the enduring connections of networks, reciprocity and social norms that exist among a group of people. In farming, social capital has various benefits such as facilitating farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing, increasing access to information, and connecting farmers to different sources of support. In Tanzania, social capital was a key contributor to the success of the implementation of System of Rice Intensification (SRI), as part of the

Training Opportunity with Community Engagement Fellows

Community Engagement Fellows empowers educators and community leaders to nurture engaged citizens, serve the public, and improve the Salish Sea bioregion and the planet, using social and place-based learning methods to facilitate the growth of effective, durable learning partnerships across organizational boundaries. Western Washington University’s Center for Community Learning has served as the convener since the program began in 2015. The Community Engagement Fellows are inviting you to register and participate in the