digital agriculture

FAO and YenKasa Africa participatory video training in agri-food systems and digital environments

In November 2023, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) joined hands with several organizations to host a groundbreaking 5-day virtual training workshop on participatory video for Africa in November 2023. This event, attended by over 30 participants from different farmers’ organizations, academia, and advocacy groups, marked a significant step toward harnessing the potential of PV as a tool for sustainable development. Most of the participants came from countries with

Pilot Digital Villages Initiative in Africa

Findings of country assessments and recommendations for effective implementation The Digital Villages Initiative (DVI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a corporate programme aiming to combat hunger, poverty and inequality by fostering digital rural transformation. This is being carried out through the establishment of, or support to 1, 000 smart rural villages supplied with the digital services needed for agrifood systems and rural transformation

Talking Books provide an innovative solution to reach rural communities in Uganda

Dramatic dialogue, music and poetry are not the usual ways that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) raises awareness of and sensitizes rural communities on women’s land rights, but an innovative project in Uganda is doing just that through so-called Talking Books. Talking books are audio devices that allow people with low or no literacy to receive training in a dynamic way. In partnership with Amplio, a US based