
Media Gender Code of Ethics

The Media Council of Tanzania has created a Media Gender Code of Ethics to help members of the media make their workplaces fair and equal for men and women. To read the full resource, click here.

Sex-disaggregated data, the key to understanding gender gaps in agriculture

The lack of data makes it difficult to monitor the progress on gender equality and rural women’s empowerment in agriculture, food security and nutrition. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting countries with the analysis necessary to make second-generation National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs) and Regional Agriculture Investment Plans (RAIPs) gender responsive. FAO Representation in Ethiopia held a Stakeholders’ Validation Workshop on the use of

Guidelines for the production of gender responsive radio broadcasts

Year of publication: 2014 Pages: #15 p. Author: Mahamane, A., Déla Sidi, F., Van der Elstraeten, A.;Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development By Country/Territory: Niger Agrovoc: broadcasting (radio); gender; knowledge management; guidelines; best practices; good practices Abstract: This guide was prepared in Niger by the “Capitalization of good practices in support of agricultural production and food security” project. It was developed during training given to journalists – both men and women – of rural and community radio stations. The

Talking Books provide an innovative solution to reach rural communities in Uganda

Dramatic dialogue, music and poetry are not the usual ways that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) raises awareness of and sensitizes rural communities on women’s land rights, but an innovative project in Uganda is doing just that through so-called Talking Books. Talking books are audio devices that allow people with low or no literacy to receive training in a dynamic way. In partnership with Amplio, a US based

Save the Date: Regional Dialogue on the United Nations Decade of Family Farming, 14 July

Boosting the Resilience of Family Farmers to Adapt to Food Crises through Improved Access to Technologies and Innovations in Africa Date: 14 July 2022 Time: 9:00 – 12:00 GMT Register: Zoom Registration Languages: English & French   The UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF) was launched on 29 May 2019 at FAO headquarters, Rome. The UNDFF aims to shed new light on what it means to be a family

Celebrating Women Leadership in The Farm Forestry Sector: Case story of the Mt. Elgon and Meru County, Kenya

Janephrice Talian is the Cheptais Community Forest Association’s chairperson, which serves thousands of residents around Mt. Elgon. The group has 3,200 members spread around Mt. Elgon and organized into 43 registered user groups. The user groups engage in 11 different value chains, including beekeeping, poultry, herbal medicine, eco-tourism, dairy, fodder production, grazing, tree nursery, cultural services, and agroforestry, among other activities. These activities are included in the currently active Participatory

Julieth Muunga, runner-up for the 2022 Liz Hughes Award for Her Farm Radio

At Radio Maria in Tanzania, Julieth Muunga is the sole presenter and producer of a 30-minute program called Jinsia na Maendeleo (Gender and Development), which was named the runner-up for the 2022 Liz Hughes Award for Her Farm Radio. Ms. Muunga started broadcasting in 2007 as a volunteer at two different radio stations while studying for a university certificate in Journalism at the University of Dar es Salaam. When she began her

[SAVE THE DATE] Webinar - Cycle of exchanges: rural women and cooperativism

The WRF, together with six participating member organisations, will organise the first seminar of the series Rural Women and Cooperativism on 24 March, 2022. Three experiences of women’s farming groups or cooperatives in Africa, South America and Asia will be presented. The Rural Women and Cooperativism virtual exchange cycle aims to promote the catalytic role of association and cooperativism in the economic empowerment and resilience building of rural women. It

Patricia Kasoki, one of three winners of the 2022 George Atkins Communications Award

Patricia Kasoki is a proactive, dynamic broadcaster at Radio communautaire et environnementale de Kanyabayonga (RCEKA-FM) in North Kivu, DRC, where she has worked for two years. Ms. Kasoki is curious by nature, with a passion for working with local communities, and says this is what motivated her to begin broadcasting. She is also a self-proclaimed feminist activist, and before beginning her own programs, she was often invited by other stations

Radio Média + CI Bouaké, winner of the 2022 Liz Hughes award for Her Farm Radio

Women in leadership is an important theme for International Women’s Day and beyond. It’s also a topic that Radio Média + CI Bouaké in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire touches on each week in their Leadership au feminin (Female Leadership) program, which is dedicated to women and attempts to break down gender stereotypes. The weekly 30-minute program is produced by presenter Eunice Collé, journalist Eugène Kouadio, producer Epiphanie Kiffi, technician Esther Aké, and director